Analysis of the Effect of Health Education Activities on Selected Child Health Determinants in Two Communities of Ile Ife, Nigeria

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Olorunfemi Akinbode Ogundele
olulope Ogundele


BACKGROUND: Child survival in Nigeria is threatened not justby the direct causes of childhood mortality such as the commonchildhood diseases but also by the associated child healthdeterminants. Health education activities as part of communityintegrated management of childhood illness have the potential toimprove these child health determinants. The objective of thisstudy was to assess the effect of community level health educationactivities on selected child health determinants in Ile Ife, Nigeria.METHODS. A cross-sectional comparative study was carried outamong 722 caregivers in two LGAs of Osun State, Nigeria, using amultistage cluster sampling method. Data were collected frommothers of index children aged 0-59 months using an interviewer-administered questionnaire.RESULTS. Vitamin A supplementation before the study wasreceived by 89.1% and 79.8% of the children aged 9 months oldand above in implementing and non-implementing LGAs(p=0.002). Amongst children age 12-23 months in theimplementing LGA, 93.4% received DPT3, (91.8%) receivedmeasles compared with non-implementing LGA in which 66.7%received DPT and (64%) measles. Children in the CIMCIimplementing LGA were three times more likely to receive DPTVaccine (Adjusted odds ratio (AOR) 3.02, 95% confidence interval(CI) 1.55-7.98), and five and half times more likely to receivemeasles vaccine (AOR 5.56, 95% CI 2.76-12.54).CONCLUSION. The study concluded that community level healtheducation activities have a positive effect on child health practicesand determinants.

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Author Biographies

Olorunfemi Akinbode Ogundele, Ondo State,Nigeria

Department of Community Medicine
and Primary Care, State Specialist
Hospital, Ondo City,

olulope Ogundele, Ondo City, Ondo State, Nigeria

Department of Paediatrics and Child
Health, State Specialist Hospital