Periodontal Therapy with 0.25%Lemongrass Oil Mouthwash in Reducing Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases A 3-Arm Prospective Parallel Experimental Study

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Dany Subha S


BACKGROUND: Periodontal disease is associated withcardiovascular diseases because of its role in host immune-inflammatory response. Serum lipids are the commonest risk factorsbetween periodontal disease and cardiovascular diseases.MATERIALS AND METHOD: A double blinded randomised clinicaltrial was carried out among 45 subjects with generalised severeperiodontitis. They were divided into 3-groups of 15 subjects each.Group A: 0.25% lemongrass oil mouthwash, Group B: 0.12%chlorhexidine mouthwash and Group C: Oral prophylaxis only Group.Oral examinations like assessment of Probing Pocket Depth andClinical Attachment Loss and Bio-chemical tests like assessment of C-Reactive Protein, Total Cholesterol, High Density Lipid, Low DensityLipid and triglycerides were conducted at baseline followed by oralprophylaxis at the same visit. Reassessment of the above mentionedparameters were done after 3 months of intervention. Data so collectedwere subjected for statistical analysis using SPSS ver. 20.0.RESULTS: A statistically significant reduction in C-Reactive Protein,Probing Pocket Depth, Clinical Attachment Loss, Total Cholesteroland Low Density Lipid level in 0.25% lemongrass oil mouthwashgroup was found. On comparing a statistically significant differencewas observed for the post intervention scores of Probing Pocket Depthand Clinical Attachment Loss only; for Group A v/s C and Group Bv/s C.CONCLUSION: 0.25% Lemongrass oil mouthwash was found to be agood herbal alternative; both in the treatment of chronic periodontitisand reduction in the level of serum markers of Cardio VascularDiseasess.

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Author Biography

Dany Subha S, Burla, Odisha,India

Department of Dentistry,

VSS(Govt) Institute of Medical Sciences and
Research (VIMSAR),