Immunological Response of Hiv-Infected Children to Highly Active Antiretoviral Therapy at Gondar University Hospital, North-Western Ethiopia

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Mehretie Kokeb
Getu Degu


BACKGROUND: The effectiveness of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in children has notbeen well studied specially in developing countries where the burden of HIV is high. This study wasaimed to assess the immunologic response of HIV-infected children to HAART at Pediatric ART ClinicGondar University Hospital.METHODS: Institution based cross-sectional study was conducted at the Pediatric ART Clinic GondarUniversity Hospital from March01-April 30, 2014. The study included 283 HIV-infected children whowere on HAART for 6 months and above. Medical records of HIV-infected children were reviewed usingpre-tested questionnaire. CD4 count/percent was collected every 6 months retrospectively. For allstatistical significance tests, the cut-off value was p<0.05. Poison Regression was used for furtheranalysis.RESULTS: The mean age of children was 6.9 years with a standard deviation of 3.4 years. The medianCD4 count/percent was 232/13%, 450/21%, 540/25% and 608/27% at the time of initiation, 6, 12 and 18months of ART, respectively. HAART initiated at higher CD4 count, good adherence and HIV statusdisclosure were found to have positive effects for immunological response.CONCLUSION: The study revealed that there was good Immunological response to ART, and that themaximum response was in the 1 st 6 months of ART. Low CD4 count at initiation, undisclosed HIV statusand lack of good adherence were found to cause low immunological response to HAART.

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Author Biographies

Mehretie Kokeb, University of Gondar, Ethiopia

Department of Pediatrics and Child Health

Getu Degu, University of Gondar, Ethiopia

Department of Epidemiology and Biostastics