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BACKGROUND: Traumatic bone cyst (TBC) is an uncommon non-epithelial lined cavity of the jaws.Traumatic bone cysts have been reported in the literature under a variety of names: solitary bone cyst,haemorrhagic bone cyst, extravasation cyst and simple bone cyst. The multitude of names applied to thislesion implies the lack of understanding of the true aetiology and pathogenesis. However, the term"traumatic bone cyst" is the most widely used name today (1).CASE DETAILS: A 15 years old male patient presented with a complaint of swelling with mild,intermittent and non-radiating pain in the lower left back teeth region. There was expansion of thebuccal cortical plate. Radiograph showed a multilocular lesion straddling between the roots of the teeth.In addition, 21 years old male patient came with a complaint of swelling with mild, continuous pain inthe lower left jaw region. OPG showed well defined radiolucency with scalloped borders extending fromthe periapical region of the 1 st premolar until the 2 nd molar. The radiolucency was seen extendingbetween the roots of the involved teeth.CONCLUSION: The majority of TBCs are located in the mandibular body between the canine and thethird molar. Clinically, the lesion is asymptomatic in the majority of cases and is often accidentallydiscovered on routine radiological examination, usually as a unilocular radiolucent area with a"scalloping effect”. Since material for histologic examination may be scanty or non-available it is veryoften difficult for a definite histologic diagnosis to be achieved (1).