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BACKGROUND: Good quality of care in family planning (FP) services help individuals and couples tomeet their reproductive health needs safely and effectively. Therefore, assessment and improvement ofthe quality of family planning services could enhance family planning services utilization. This study wasthus conducted to assess the quality of family planning services in primary health centers of JimmaZone, Southwest Ethiopia.METHODS: A cross-sectional facility based study was conducted from March 1 st -25 th , 2011 amongfamily planning clients of government primary health care centers in southwest Ethiopia. Exit interviewof 301 family planning clients identified through systematic random sampling technique was carried outusing a pre-tested structured questionnaire. Availability of resources was checked using providerinterview and inventory checklist. Moreover, a total of 150 consultation sessions were observed usingchecklist. Descriptive statistics and linear regression coefficients were generated to meet the objective ofthe study.RESULTS: There was a shortage of some medical equipment, trained staffs, and information educationand communication materials (IEC) in all of the family planning clinics. The mean waiting time at theservice delivery points and consultation duration were 16.4 and 10.5 minutes, respectively. The providersused at least one information education and communication material in 33.3% of the consultationsessions. The overall satisfaction score was 8.64. Clients’ perception on adequacy of information duringconsultation ( =0.24; ( 95%CI=0.02-0.16) ease of getting the clinic site, short waiting time ( =0.17;95%CI=0.15-029) and educational level ( =0.09; 95%CI =0.09-0.29) were significantly associated withoverall satisfaction.CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this study showed that there was lack of critical resources for theprovision of quality family planning services in all of the primary health care centers included in thestudy. This has affected important aspects of service provision including the use of IEC materials duringconsultations. Hence, it is advisable that health managers of the health facilities and the district healthoffice ensure improved availability of trained personnel, IEC materials and other supplies at the clinics.