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Shimelis Fantu (MD)
Hailemariam Segni
Fessahaye Alemseged


BACKGROUND: Obstructed labor is one of the common preventable causes of maternal and perinatalmorbidity and mortality in developing countries. Africa has t he highest maternal mortality in the world, estimatedat an average of about 1,000 deaths per 100,000 live births. This study was conducted to assess the incidence,causes and outcome of obstructed labor in Jimma University Specialized Hospital .MET HODS: Hospital-based, cross-sectional study was conducted on all mothers who were admitted anddelivered in the labor ward of Jimma University Specialized Hospita l from November 1, 2008 to April 30, 2009.Data was collected using structured questionnaire and checklist, and then analyzed using SPSS for windowsversion 16.0.RES ULTS: The incidence of obstructed labor was 12.2%. Out of these 61.5% did not have antenatal care follow-up. Most of the cases, accounting for 145(81.0%), 160 (89.4%) and 170 (93.9%) were referred from healthcenters, visited the hospital after at least 12 hours of labor and came from a distance of more than 10 kilometers,respectively. The causes of obstructed labor were cephalo-pelvic disproportion in 121(67.6%) andmalpresentation in 50 (27.9%) of the cases. The commonest maternal complications observed were uterinerupture in 55 (45.1%) and sepsis in 48 (39.3%) of the cases with complications. Forty-five point eight percent offetuses were born alive and all had low first minute APGAR score.CONCLUS ION: The incidence of obstructed labor was high with high rate of complications. The antenatal carefollow-up practice was also found to be low. Improved antenatal care coverage, good referral system, andavailing comprehensive obstetric care in nearby health institution are recommended to prevent obstructed laborand its complications

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Author Biographies

Shimelis Fantu (MD), Jimma University, Jimma, Ethiopia.

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Hailemariam Segni, Jimma University, Ethiopia


Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Fessahaye Alemseged, Jimma University


Department of Ep idemio logy