Re-conceptualizing Risky Driving Behaviors Evidences from Jimma Town and Kersa District

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Kinde Getachew
Nega Jibat Gemede
Getachew Tilahun Wakene
Dejene Gemechu Chala


The conceptual distinctions of risky driving behaviors as lapses, errors, and violations are essential. However,
recent research still tends to view these behaviors as a single construct. The objective of this research is,
therefore, to split risky driving behavior into its component parts and show the relationship of the psychosocial
factors to drivers' errors, lapses, and violations during driving. One hundred eighty-one drivers were selected
using a cluster sampling technique from four high-incident areas in Jimma Town and three areas in Kersa. They
completed the Driver Behavior Questionnaire (DBQ). A hierarchical multiple linear regression analysis was
used to analyze the data. The analysis revealed hostile personality (hp) significantly predicted lapses, R2=16.9%,
bhp=.297, t=5.98, p=.001; errors, R2=21.7%, bhp=.372, t=7.08, p=.001; hostile personality, and substance use
(su) together predicted violations, R2=16.1%, bhp=.246, thp=4.5, php=.001; and, bsu=.345, tsu=3.56, psu=.001.
Hence, the study concluded the conceptual distinction of risky driving behavior as lapses, errors, and a violation
is partially justifiable, though several research works are needed. The study implies researchers should be more
specific in their investigations and reporting to inform the development of targeted strategies for reducing road
traffic accidents.

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How to Cite
Getachew, K., Jibat , N., Tilahun , G., & Gemechu , D. (2024). Re-conceptualizing Risky Driving Behaviors. The Ethiopian Journal of Social Sciences and Language Studies (EJSSLS), 11(1), 131-147. Retrieved from