Agronomic performance and chemical composition of different varieties of Amaranthus caudatus
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The cost of feed with sufficient nutrient content in monogastric animal industries is significantly high. It is therefore crucial to search for alternative and cost-effective feed resources that have optimal nutrient content and could be used as a supplement. In this endeavor, a field experiment was conducted to assess the agronomic performance and nutrient content of three local (white, dark, and red) and two improved (AC-NL and Madiira II) varieties of Amaranthus caudatus under field experiment in Dedo district, Jimma Zone, Oromia Regional State. The experiment followed a randomized complete block design, with each treatment replicated three times. Data were collected on phenological traits, seed and leaf yield, nutritive value, and mineral compositions. The findings showed that Madiira-II showed better agronomic performance in terms of number of leaves and branches per plant, plant height, and leaf yield compared to the other varieties. The local white variety had a higher mean seed yield per hectare than the others, while AC-NL and Madiira-II varieties had superior leaf biomass yield. Local white amaranths had significantly (p< 0.05) higher leaf and grain crude protein contents than the other varieties. AC-NL and Madiira-II varieties had lower crude fiber content. The local red variety had relatively higher calcium content, while the local dark variety had higher copper and iron content compared to the other varieties. In conclusion, even though all varieties of A. caudatus yielded sufficient nutrient content, the agronomic performance, mean seed yield per hectare, leaf biomass, crude protein, fiber, and mineral contents showed
heterogeneity among the different varieties.