Empirical Analysis of Artisanal fishery practices and constraints Asynergy to poverty alleviation and sustainable fishery development in North Central, Nigeria

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Abdulsalam, Z.
Sidi A. G.


Agriculture production systems are highly diversified systems in which fishery playimportant and integral parts. Constraints to artisanal fishery development are not only ofaquatic and technical in nature,but also related to fish breeding, reproduction, nutrition,health control, water quality management and technology. However, socio-economic andrural development factors such as extension contacts, credit availability,labour intensity,basic infrastructure facilities, finance and basic human needs and sanitation are alsoimportant towards artisanal fishery development. Fishery households need an in-depthscientific training and extension education in combination with a critical attitude towardsaspects of fishery constraints and sustainable fishery development. The analysis has beenplanned and organized with these considerations. The study examined the constraints toartisanal fishery practices as a synergy to poverty alleviation and fishery sustainabledevelopment in Nigeria. Accessibility to credit, high cost of equipment and inadequatestorage were perceived the most severe problems faced by the fishermen.Mobilization offishermen into formal groups to have fair benefit of collective investment of groupsavings was recommended.

Article Details

How to Cite
Oladimeji, Z., A., Damisa, Ajao, & A. G., S. (2014). Empirical Analysis of Artisanal fishery practices and constraints. Ethiopian Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 5(1), 18-37. Retrieved from https://journals.ju.edu.et/index.php/ejast/article/view/901
Author Biographies

Oladimeji, Kwara State University,Malete, Nigeria

Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, Ahmadu Bello University,
Zaria, Nigeria, 1 Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Kwara State University,
Malete, Nigeria

Abdulsalam, Z., Kwara State University,Malete, Nigeria

Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Kwara State University,
Malete, Nigeria


Agriculture production systems are highly diversified systems in which fishery playimportant and integral parts. Constraints to artisanal fishery development are not only ofaquatic and technical in nature,but also related to fish breeding, reproduction, nutrition,health control, water quality management and technology. However, socio-economic andrural development factors such as extension contacts, credit availability,labour intensity,basic infrastructure facilities, finance and basic human needs and sanitation are alsoimportant towards artisanal fishery development. Fishery households need an in-depthscientific training and extension education in combination with a critical attitude towardsaspects of fishery constraints and sustainable fishery development. The analysis has beenplanned and organized with these considerations. The study examined the constraints toartisanal fishery practices as a synergy to poverty alleviation and fishery sustainabledevelopment in Nigeria. Accessibility to credit, high cost of equipment and inadequatestorage were perceived the most severe problems faced by the fishermen.Mobilization offishermen into formal groups to have fair benefit of collective investment of groupsavings was recommended.

Ajao, Kwara State University,Malete, Nigeria

Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Kwara State University,
Malete, Nigeria

Sidi A. G., Umar Suleiman College ofEducation, Gashua, Nigeria

Department of Agricultural Education, Umar Suleiman College of
Education, Gashua, Nigeria
Corresponding e-mail:yusuf.dimeji@yahoo.com; +2348032220000