The Study of Practices and Procedures Used in the Implementation of School-Based CPD Programs in some Selected Secondary Schools of East Wollega Zone
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This study investigated the practices and procedures of school-based professionaldevelopment in East Wollega Secondary schools. It employed a descriptive survey studywhich takes the form of a mixed approach (Qualitative and Quantitative data analysis)through interview and questionnaire. Moreover, data were also gathered from schoolcontinuous professional development documents. The respondents of the study weresecondary school directors, school continuous professional development coordinators,department heads and teachers. The findings of the study indicated that the practices ofcontinuous professional development at secondary school with the new framework havebeen started in 2012 with the government initiatives. Today school based continuousprofessional development practices are carried out in secondary schools as school andindividual continuous professional development levels. However, there were no robustcontinuous professional development practices in secondary schools because there wasno conducive environment created for school teachers.
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Ethiopian Journal of Education and Sciences. All rights reserved.