Oral Text in Cultural and Natural Context Riddles among the Walisoo Liiban Oromo
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This article dealt with riddles among the Walisoo Liiban Oromo. It aims atexploring the role of riddles in enhancing the observational, normative, memory,intellectual and entertainment skills in social and natural environments of theWaliso Oromo. Ethnographic methods of data gathering were employed ingenerating relevant data from primary and secondary sources. Interpretive approach was used to analyze data. The analysis showed that riddles among theWalisoo Liiban involve both social and natural phenomena. The items of riddlesare presented mostly enigmatically and symbolically in line with the value system ofthe people and the physical character of the area. Riddles also involve analogybased on similarities in size, shape, color, structure, co-existence, status, and thelike. Riddles are one of the mechanisms commonly used to instruct young people the knowledge of the nature, morals, the social behavior, and virtue essential for theirfuture social success. The study concluded that riddles are still being used ineducating children to have a good understanding of their social and physicalenvironments. They are also adapted to the changing world. The study indicated the importance of contextualizing and accommodating riddles in school curriculum to make education affordable and enjoyable.