Guides to Editors
Criteria for publication -Manuscripts are critically evaluated for compliance with the following criteria:
• novelty
• broad significance
• importance to the specific field
• strong evidence for the conclusions that are drawn
In your evaluation you may want to consider the following points:
• Is the paper original?
• Is it well written?
• Are critical references given?
• Is the length of the paper commensurate with the message?
• Are all tables, figures, graphs and photographs necessary?
• If applicable, is "Material and Methods" section adequately written and referenced?
Editors should see whether the manuscript is prepared as provided in General Guidelines for Manuscript Submission.
Manuscript Code____________
1. Is the manuscript in the field of social sciences and related areas?
2. Does the title fully reflect the content of the manuscript?
3. Is the page limit not more than 15 pages?
4. Do the style and format of the paper follow the guidelines of EJSSLS?
5. Are the methods, techniques, procedures and instruments used to
collect the data reliable, and have they been adequately described?
6. Are the data analyzed clearly and adequately, and do the findings
justify the conclusions drawn by the author(s)?
7. Do you recommend that the manuscript can be published? (please suggest)
a. As it is
b. With minor revision
c. With major revision
d. Reject
Tesfaye Gebeyehu
Editor-in - Chief
The Ethiopian Journal of Social Sciences and Language Studies (EJSSLS)