Child Sexual Abuse and Its Devastating Effects on Survivors Speaking the Unspeakable
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The main purpose of this review was to describe incidents of child sexual abuseand its damaging overall consequences on the survivors. To collect data, internationally and nationally significant research findings in the area of child sexual abuse have beencritically reviewed. Furthermore, the reviewer has made his own professional reflectionon the matter. The finding revealed that, although not all children could show the sameresults, sexual abuse interferes with a child’s development in various ways: relationships with other people, self-esteem, self-confidence, physical activity and academicperformance. Further, sexually abused children are vulnerable to developing psychological, social, educational, physiological, and mental health problems. Childrenare more vulnerable to these problems if the abuse is more serious and sadistic; if theyare younger when the abuse begins; if the abuse involves unusual elements, and if theyhave a closer relationship with the abuser. Besides, girls are four times more likely thanboys to be sexually abused; older children are more likely than younger children to beabused, and children living in single-parent homes and institutions may be more at riskfor sexual abuse. The review concluded that the costs of child sexual abuse areenormous. Sexual abuse can have a damaging effect on a child’s ability to develop adaptively in a broad range of areas. Parents and significant others need to safeguardseriously the lives of Ethiopian Children.