Editorial policies are subject to protect and strengthen the journal’s integrity and quality aiming reader's interest. All the articles are produced with respect to the scope of the journal based on their significance, novelty and usefulness to the Journals readership.  Decisions on manuscripts are not affected by the author's origin, gender, religion, ethnicity, nationality, race or political beliefs. No government policies or agencies away from the journal will determine the decision. Decisions taken are strictly based on the articles validity and importance to the scientific readers. The following editorial rules and regulations have been established to ensure that HAJBE continues to serve as a scholarly, informative, and unbiased publication for the benefit of the scientific and policy communities around the world.

  • All submissions are to be original contributions prepared by authors from any part of the world.
  • All submissions are subject to editorial review and verification and submission of an article to HAJBE does not guarantee its publication.
  • Reviewer comments are double blinded; the manuscript authors do not know reviewers’ identities and reviewers do not know the author.
  • The editor-in-chief will accept submission on subjects of interest and relevance to the disciplines in the college.
  • All submissions must be in Microsoft word, single -spaced, a maximum of 7000 words excluding appendices.
  • All submissions must contain the corresponding author’s name, title, company or affiliation and physical address, and email address.
  • HAJBE maintains a zero-tolerance policy concerning plagiarism. When plagiarism is detected, it will be investigated and appropriate action will be taken by an adhoc committee that will be formed by the editor-in-chief/ editorial board.
  • When authors find substantive error in their published article, they can report to the editor-in-chief/ managing editor with convincing evidence to post the correction in the next issue of HAJBE.
  • When a corresponding author submits a manuscript accompanied by a signed manuscript submission form (provided by the journal office), s/he receives a layer of acknowledgment which includes a manuscript number. Communication between the author, editors and reviewers regarding the manuscript is made using the manuscript number.
  • Then the manuscript is sent to two anonymous peer-reviewers assigned by the editorial board. Based on the recommendation and comments of the reviewers, an accepted manuscript is returned including the comments of the reviewers to the author(s) with a Letter of acceptance to resubmit with comments incorporated.
  • A rejected manuscript is sent back to the author(s) with the reviewers’ comments for further improvement. It should be noted, however, that rejection does not mean the work is worthless, rather it either lacks the expected intellectual depth and with or simply does not fall in the territory of the publication. After the author(s), whose manuscript is accepted, resubmits his/her work with comments incorporated, the manuscript is sent to a language editor. Finally, it is scheduled for publication in one of the issues of the journal.
  • The author should be confirmed immediately about the submission manuscript and the decision of the editorial board will be given within one month from date of submission
  • The authors should submit the manuscript online and track the progress of their manuscript. The managing editor detects new submission and tracks them. The editor in chief assigns reviewers and follow-up the replay of the reviewers.
  • No overt or implied bias or advertisement for any commercial enterprise will be allowed  within the editorial pages of this publication.
  • All advertisements are purchased and are located in a separate, readily identifiable section of  HAJBE.


The peer review process for journal publication is essentially a quality control mechanism. It is a process by which experts evaluate scholarly works, and its objective is to ensure a high quality of published science. However, peer reviewers do not make the decision to accept or reject papers. At most, they recommend a decision. At peer-reviewed journals, decision-making authority rests solely with the journal’s editorial board. Indeed, it is the journal editorial board who is considered to be central to the decision making process in HAJBE. The following guidelines are intended as a reference tool for reviewers of HAJBE so as to ensure consistency and quality of the journal. General Reviewer Guidelines includes

  • Thorough peer-review of manuscript requires careful consideration and is essential to assure      high-quality content for the HAJBE.
  • Reviewer comments should be as complete and detailed as possible and contain clear opinions about strengths, weaknesses, relevance and importance to the field.
  • Specific comments that cite manuscript sections, pages, paragraphs or lines are exceptionally     useful.
  • Reviewers should consider themselves mentors to the author(s). Reviewer comments should be constructive and for the purpose of enhancing the manuscript.
  • Reviewers may find it helpful to complete their review in a word processing program and copy and paste the information in to the comments form during their review submission.
  • Reviewers should NOT contact the author(s) to discuss a manuscript.
  • Reviewers should NOT reveal, cite or in any way disclose information about a manuscript      prior to its publication.
  • Reviewers should NOT agree to review a manuscript if there is an actual or perceived conflict of interest.
  • Reviewers should give their feed back within two weeks from the date the manuscript is sent to them to the chief editor