Access and Assessment Mechanisms to Foster Independent Learning
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This article attempted to review Lemanski’s (2011) study that explored the impactof assessment and access to resources on students’ independent study/reading habits.Using content analysis, the review made a brief assessment of the introduction andexamined the objectives, the literature review, the study context, the methodology and the findings of the stated work. Then, it established a conclusion based on the analysis ofthese components. The review revealed that Lemanski’s study is of good quality for itsconcise and informative introduction, clear and achievable objectives, fairly comprehensive and critical literature review, relatively appropriate and elaborate methodology, relevant and well-described findings out of which emerges a soundconclusion. However, some limitations such as lack of clear theoretical framework,weakly explained research setting, inadequate statistical rigor and failure to devote separate sections for the objectives and the findings have been identified. On this basis,the review recommended that the study can be replicated and the findings implemented with certain adaptations.