Agents and Strategies of Children’s Socialization in the Gadaa System of Borana Oromo, Southern Ethiopia
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This study aimed at exploring agents and strategies of children‟s socialization in the Gadaa system of Borana Oromo. The study employed a qualitative case study research design to address the intended research objectives. Methods of data collection include in-depth and key-informant interviews, FGD, observation, and document review. The study participants were parents, children between the age of 9-16, Abbaa Gadaa, Gadaa councils, and relevant government experts (particularly the office in charge of the Culture and Tourism Bureau, and Women, Children, and Youth Affairs). Non-probability sampling technique specifically purposive sampling technique was employed. Thematic analysis was employed for classifying, analyzing, and explaining themes. The values of privacy, informed consent, confidentiality, and anonymity were duly considered. The findings of the study indicated that children‟s socialization is a cooperative task in Borana. It starts with parents and extends to the communities and broader societal actors. These agents of children's socialization teach children societal values, language, self-care skills, cognitive, motor, and social skills, and gender roles. Advising, punishing, storytelling and riddle, practicing life situations, providing factual information, and teaching are the strategies for children‟s socialization. Challenging factors that hinder the socialization process of children are being with misbehaving families, friends, and villagers, the inadequacy of advice, divorce, poverty, drug addiction, orphan hood, and early marriage. Finally, the study recommends that future research should expand the scope of the present study by exploring the children‟s socialization in each Gadaa grades and parenting styles in the Gadaa system.