The Overview and Analysis of the Practice of Human Rights Education and Advocacy in Central Equatoria State and Further: Post 2005 to Present

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Chaplain Kenyi Wani


The practice of human rights education and advocacy is to improve knowledge of human rights activities for communities in post-conflict. Central Equatoria State is where the human rights organizations have the base for their offices for operation in South Sudan. Coordinating the recovery and development process after civil war requires human rights principles, but it was neglected in Central Equatoria State. This research paper aims to assess the impact of the practice of human rights education and advocacy in Central Equatoria State and further in post-conflict in South Sudan. The practice of human rights education and advocacy is one of the pillars of the process of peacebuilding. Understanding the practice and advocacy on human rights education helps in assessing its impact on post-conflict communities. It contributes to knowledge of how effective the peacebuilding process was in preventing the resumption of conflict. The outbreak of intra-conflict in December 2013 in Juba shows that the peacebuilding process was ineffective. A qualitative method was applied for data collection. The stratified purposive interview was conducted in Juba and Kajo Keji Counties. Secondary literature was obtained from various academic and policy sources. The information was analyzed using ethnography, discourse, interpretation, observation, and interaction. The lack of interpreters for people who use sign language caused limitations in data collection, but disability is not an inability. Two focus group discussions were held: one in Juba and the other in Kajo Keji. Secondary data from various academic and policy institutions were supplemented with primary data. Coordinating the recovery and development processes requires principles for the practice of human rights education and advocacy. Development partners have underestimated the challenges they would face in the practice of human rights education and advocacy. The process for practice of human rights education and advocacy contributed less effective effort to the peacebuilding process to prevent the reoccurrence of conflict in Central Equatoria and the other states of South Sudan. The process would require the practice of good governance.


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How to Cite
Chaplain Kenyi Wani. (2023). The Overview and Analysis of the Practice of Human Rights Education and Advocacy in Central Equatoria State and Further: Post 2005 to Present. PanAfrican Journal of Governance and Development (PJGD), 4(2), 175-201.
Research-based/ Original Articles
Author Biography

Chaplain Kenyi Wani, University of Juba, Juba, South Sudan

Chaplain Kenyi Wani (PhD) is a Lecturer at the Institute for Peace, Development and Security Studies, University of Juba. He completed his BA, MA, and Ph.D. from Bath Spa University, UK, Bradford University, UK, and Hawassa University, Ethiopia, respectively. He has a joint publication on "Security Sector Reform for Police in South Sudan, North South Institute, Canada" along with other publications like "Humanitarian Aid for Long Term Peace and Development, Gondar University, Ethiopia", "Diminishing the Role of Youth and Civil Society in Peace Building, Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia”,    "The Process for Provision of Humanitarian Aid and Sustainable Peace and Development in Central Equatorial and the Other States in South Sudan: Post 2005 to 2020". Currently, he is working on the research entitled "Post Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) Peace Building Challenge in Central Equatoria State and Further, South Sudan".


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