Assessment of Challenges of Governance and Democratic Consolidation in Lesotho, 1993-2022

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Matsilo Elizabeth Nkabane
Nengieh Lizzie Wantchami


The Kingdom of Lesotho is beset by multiple challenges that hinder a full process of democratic consolidation. Like many other African countries, Lesotho is trapped in a myriad of challenges, including the politicization of independent institutions, such as the judiciary and security institutions, that contribute to perennial political instabilities and rampant corruption. Qualitative research was used to examine the challenges of democratic consolidation in Lesotho from the year 1993 to 2022. This paper, historically, using secondary data, uncovers the factors that continue to impede democratic consolidation in Lesotho from the period of fragile democracy in 1993 to the present unstable coalition governments. The central contention in the paper is that ever since Lesotho was declared a democratic state in 1993, the democratization process has been slow as there have been perpetual instabilities, lack of service delivery such as infrastructure, unemployment, and high rates of nepotism in the public sector that undermine sustainable democracy. Recommendations are that the political rights of citizens should be increased, civil society should be empowered, and the military should be put under civil control.


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How to Cite
Matsilo Elizabeth Nkabane, & Nengieh Lizzie Wantchami. (2024). Assessment of Challenges of Governance and Democratic Consolidation in Lesotho, 1993-2022. PanAfrican Journal of Governance and Development (PJGD), 5(2), 3-26.
Author Biographies

Matsilo Elizabeth Nkabane, University of Yaounde II, Cameroon

Matsilo Elizabeth Nkabane is a political science researcher with a Master's Degree in Governance and regional integration from the Pan African University in Cameroon. Her research interests revolve around Governance, Democracy, Media, Gender, Climate Change and Sustainable Development Goals. She has published newspaper articles on Democracy and development in Lesotho as a columnist. She is actively involved in promoting climate action education, political empowerment, representation of youth and women, human rights, and leadership. Additionally, she is dedicated to advocating for teaching and learning history in Lesotho.

Nengieh Lizzie Wantchami , University of Buea, Cameroon

Dr. Nengieh Lizzie Wantchami is a Lecturer and Head of the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Buea. She holds two Ph.D. Degrees in Mass Communication and Educational Foundations and Administration from the University of Buea, Cameroon. She has published two books and several book chapters in the field of health, behavior change communication, and international communications. Her articles focus on Mass Communication, Journalism, and interrelated phenomena like Corruption, Conflict, Democracy and Governance, Evangelism, New Media, Advertising, Education and Public Relations, and Press Freedom. She serves as an Editorial Board Member in the International Journal of Media, Journalism and Mass Communication.


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