The Relationship between TikTok Use Experiences, Socio-demographics, and Academic Performance among Jimma University Students

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Gada Wayessa Duguma
Wondimu Legese Abadefar
Tesfaye Gebeyehu Tessema


TikTok as an educational, entertainment, socialisation, and information gratification platform has attracted great attention.  However, its effect on students’ academic performance is debated.  Studies found that students spend long hours on the app, and such exposure results in poor time management.  However, little is known about how TikTok experiences influence university students’ academic performance.  The study investigates the association between TikTok engagement experiences and university students’ CGPA.  The study employed a cross-sectional correlational research design.  Out of 395 populations, the study selected 198 respondents using a stratified random sampling technique.  A structured questionnaire and students’ grade lists were used to gather quantitative data.  To analyse the data, the study employed descriptive statistics and parametric tests, with the help of SPSS version 27 software (CI=95%).  The analysis indicated a statistically insignificant relationship between demographic characteristics, current use of TikTok, and CGPA.  It also revealed that using the app for education, entertainment, informativeness, and spirituality positively influences CGPA. Conversely, having 1k and above followers on TikTok, ever posting videos on TikTok, and making live streams on TikTok were negatively associated with students’ CGPA.  Specifically, the number of months since TikTok was joined, time spent on TikTok daily (in hours), and frequency of TikTok browsing per day negatively determined students’ CGPA.  The finding implies a need for revising the teaching-learning approach and proper guidance on TikTok usage to mitigate the negative effect the app exerts on students’ academic performance.

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How to Cite
Wayessa , G., Legese , W., & Gebeyehu, T. (2024). The Relationship between TikTok Use Experiences, Socio-demographics, and Academic Performance among Jimma University Students. The Ethiopian Journal of Social Sciences and Language Studies (EJSSLS), 11(1), 107-130. Retrieved from

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