OJS Training for Users

Main Article Content

Tesfaye Gebeyehu


The Ethiopian Journal of Social Sciences and Language Studies (EJSSLS) has already upgraded its publication process to OJS (open journal system) publishing system. “Open Journal Systems (OJS) is a journal management and publishing system that has been developed by the Public Knowledge Project ... to expand and improve access to research” ( https://github.com/pkp/docker-ojs ). Its advantages surpass email attachment. For one thing, it can be installed and controlled locally; even the system enables creating and configuring a new journal. It facilitates ‘online submission, double-blind review, and management of all content’; it also registers history of publications and generates summary of the content. It shows the stage of a manuscript in the review process; that is to say it depicts whether the manuscript is at submission stage, review stage, copy- editing stage or production stage. As a result, unlike to email attachments, users who submitted manuscript through the online system can follow up the stages of the review process. Further, it sends email notification for readers such as authors, reviewers, and editors. On top of that, by far it facilitates documentation problems related to email attachments and creating issues.

Article Details

How to Cite
Gebeyehu, T. (2019). OJS Training for Users. The Ethiopian Journal of Social Sciences and Language Studies (EJSSLS), 6(1), 1-2. Retrieved from https://journals.ju.edu.et/index.php/ejssls/article/view/836
Author Biography

Tesfaye Gebeyehu, Jimma University

PhD, Associate Professor. Editor-in-chief of EJSSLS; Jimma University; Email: tesgeb00@gmail.com

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